Variance Analysis

A module to output a large volume of answers from an LLM and then analyze the outputs for variance

Let’s now add some functions to enable testing of CopBot. What we want first is to test a bunch of ethnicities, and get answers for each.

Below is a table of each IC code:

Code Ethnicity
IC1 White – North European
IC2 White – South European
IC3 Black
IC4 Asian
IC5 Chinese, Japanese, or other Southeast Asian
IC6 Arab or North African

Given we can’t use all of those, we’ll focus on White, Black, or Asian.

We’ll also have some age options… We’l go for 5,10,14,16,18,20,25,35,50,60,75,85,90,100


openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

df = pd.read_parquet('./processed/embeddings.parquet')
text n_tokens embeddings
4431 app public order core principles an... 393 [0.002413947368040681, 0.016671480610966682, -...
849 To co-create the training with practitioner st... 419 [-0.010183705948293209, 0.008118431083858013, ...
6612 The goal of problem analysis is to help you id... 482 [0.010752184316515923, 0.018526222556829453, 0...
6068 Police data, investigation files, and intervie... 384 [0.01356875617057085, 0.009414355270564556, 0....
3432 Of a racialist nature means consisting of, or ... 486 [-0.012264551594853401, -0.008601714856922626,...
... ... ... ...
7261 app armed policing deployment autho... 405 [-0.002368964720517397, 0.004855205304920673, ...
6941 cdn cgi l email protection#2d485f47... 203 [-0.0013092802837491035, -0.01627718284726143,...
8758 article neighbourhood policing week... 484 [0.003850934561342001, 0.014110091142356396, 0...
6055 The neighbourhood role also enabled me to prot... 488 [0.005274541676044464, 0.006226117257028818, -...
801 These are organised into the following three s... 488 [-0.00021213867876213044, 0.015380156226456165...

7602 rows × 3 columns

Our first function will generate a set of risk responses, with a given range of temperatures, ethnicites and others.



 generate_bulk_llm_responses (return_count=10, age_list=[5, 10, 14, 16,
                              20, 25, 50, 75, 100],
                              ethnicity_list=['White', 'Mixed', 'Asian',
                              'Black'], temperature_list=[0, 0.5, 1, 1.5,

Generates a bulk set of responses from the LLM model

all_response_df = generate_bulk_llm_responses()

We’ll then do some cleaning of the dataset to extract risk ratings ready for analysis.



 clean_bulk_llm_return (bulk_return_df)

Given a bulk LLM output, cleans it for analysis

cleaned_response_df = clean_bulk_llm_return(all_response_df)

Bulk Comparison

This function takes a list of scenarios, and returns 5 outputs for each, along with the context identified.



 copbot_chat_bulk_assessment (list_of_individual_circumstances, df,

Takes a list of individual circumstances and returns a list of responses from the LLM

scenario_list = ['It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a 35 year old female. She has been reported missing by her boyfriend as she has not yet returned from work, he has not heard from her, and her mobile phone is not picking up.  He says this is very out of character, as he was expecting her home.  He has reached out to work colleagues and friends, who says she left work around 1730 to go home as expected. Ollie is an adult with no mental health or welfare concerns.',
                 'It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old boy. He has been reported missing by his Foster carer, who has not heard from him since he left school around 1630 today. Jason is streetwise and can take care of himself, but his carer says this has been happening more frequently recently, as Jason has been hanging out with some new friends. He has been in care for 1 year, and has no mental health or welfare concerns.',
                 'It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 year old man, who has been reported missing by his nurse in supported accomodation. He has dementia, and she is worried he has wandered off. This has happened once before, where he was found down the road confused and waiting at a bus stop, but he has now been missing for nearly an hour and nobody has found him despite searching the local streets. It is now dark, although the weather is warm.',
                 'It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a 16 year old girl, who has been reported missing by her mother, who has not heard from her since she left school that afternoon. Sophie said she was going to hang out with her friends, but she has never been out this later before phoning before, and this is out of character. Sophie has no mental health or welfare concerns. Talking to her teacher, she has been hanging out with a new group of friends recently, and they think they once saw her picked up by an older boyfriend in a car outside school, who apparently bought one of her friends a new phone as a gift. Her mother does not know if she is on social media, but apparently she recently installed Snapchat after a new friend encouraged her to.',
                 'It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41 year old man, who has been reported missing by his wife. She says he went out for drinks with his friends last night, and she has not heard from him since. She says he does stay out late partying from time to time, but he has never not come home in the morning. She is worried about what might have happened. George has no mental health or welfare concerns, though his wife has admitted he does sometimes drink too much, and uses drugs (mostly cocaine) recreationally.',
                 'It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a 15 year old transgender girl, who has been reported missing by her school, who say she ran out around 30 minutes ago. Apparently she had an alteraction with a group of students, who have been bullying her for a period of months. Her teachers have concerns for her welfare, as the bullying is believed to have impacted her mental health - she has been self-harming, and apparently reported thoughts of suicide. Her parents, who are separated, have been contacted, but her father says he has not seen her for months, and her mother said "Im so sick of his nonsense". '

bulk_returns_df = copbot_chat_bulk_assessment(scenario_list, df)
  0%|          | 0/6 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Error: Error communicating with OpenAI: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response'))
Retrying in 5 seconds...
100%|██████████| 6/6 [01:03<00:00, 10.51s/it]
message circumstances individual_context scenario_number
0 Graded as Low risk, because of the following f... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
1 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
2 Graded as low risk, because of the following r... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
3 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
4 Graded as Low risk, because of the following r... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
5 Graded as Low risk, because of the below risk ... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
6 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
7 Graded as medium risk because of the following... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
8 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
9 Graded as **No apparent risk**, because of the... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1
0 Graded as Low risk, because of the following r... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
1 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
2 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
3 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
4 Graded as low risk, because of the below risk ... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
5 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
6 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
7 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
8 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
9 Graded as low risk, because of the below risk ... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2
0 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
1 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
2 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
3 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
4 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
5 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
6 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
7 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
8 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
9 Graded as high risk, because of the following ... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3
0 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
1 Graded as medium risk because of the below ris... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
2 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
3 Graded as medium risk because of the following... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
4 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
5 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
6 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
7 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
8 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
9 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4
0 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
1 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
2 Graded as Medium risk because of the following... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
3 Medium risk, because of the below risk factors... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
4 Medium risk, because of the following risk fac... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
5 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
6 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
7 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
8 Graded as Low risk, because of the below risk ... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
9 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5
0 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
1 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
2 Graded as high risk, because of the following ... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
3 Graded as high risk because of the below risk ... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
4 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
5 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
6 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
7 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
8 Graded as high risk because of the below risk ... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
9 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6
bulk_machine_person_df = clean_bulk_llm_return(bulk_returns_df)
message circumstances individual_context scenario_number message_lower risk_grade risk_eval risk_score risk_eval_missing risk_eval_absent risk_eval_low risk_eval_medium risk_eval_high
0 Graded as Low risk, because of the following f... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as low risk, because of the following f... low low 2 0 0 1 0 0
1 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as medium risk, because of the followin... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
2 Graded as low risk, because of the following r... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as low risk, because of the following r... low low 2 0 0 1 0 0
3 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
4 Graded as Low risk, because of the following r... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as low risk, because of the following r... low low 2 0 0 1 0 0
5 Graded as Low risk, because of the below risk ... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as low risk, because of the below risk ... low low 2 0 0 1 0 0
6 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
7 Graded as medium risk because of the following... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as medium risk because of the following... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
8 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
9 Graded as **No apparent risk**, because of the... It is now 2130 on a Thursday night. Ollie is a... INTERPOL Interpol helps police forces around t... 1 graded as **no apparent risk**, because of the... no apparent absent 1 0 1 0 0 0
10 Graded as Low risk, because of the following r... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as low risk, because of the following r... low low 2 0 0 1 0 0
11 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
12 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as medium risk, because of the followin... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
13 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as medium risk, because of the followin... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
14 Graded as low risk, because of the below risk ... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as low risk, because of the below risk ... low low 2 0 0 1 0 0
15 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as medium risk, because of the followin... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
16 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
17 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
18 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
19 Graded as low risk, because of the below risk ... It is 2200 on Friday. Jason is a 16 year old b... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 2 graded as low risk, because of the below risk ... low low 2 0 0 1 0 0
20 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
21 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
22 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
23 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
24 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
25 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
26 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
27 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
28 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
29 Graded as high risk, because of the following ... It 2130 on a Saturday evening. James is a 86 y... research projects maximizing effect... 3 graded as high risk, because of the following ... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
30 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as medium risk, because of the followin... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
31 Graded as medium risk because of the below ris... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as medium risk because of the below ris... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
32 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
33 Graded as medium risk because of the following... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as medium risk because of the following... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
34 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
35 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as medium risk, because of the followin... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
36 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
37 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
38 Graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
39 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 2200 on a Wednesday evening. Sophie is a... First published 22 November 2016 Updated 15 ... 4 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
40 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
41 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
42 Graded as Medium risk because of the following... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 graded as medium risk because of the following... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
43 Medium risk, because of the below risk factors... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 medium risk, because of the below risk factors... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
44 Medium risk, because of the following risk fac... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 medium risk, because of the following risk fac... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
45 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
46 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 graded as medium risk, because of the followin... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
47 Graded as medium risk, because of the followin... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 graded as medium risk, because of the followin... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
48 Graded as Low risk, because of the below risk ... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 graded as low risk, because of the below risk ... low low 2 0 0 1 0 0
49 Graded as Medium risk, because of the below ri... It is 1100 on Saturday morning. George is a 41... The police have a duty to undertake investigat... 5 graded as medium risk, because of the below ri... medium medium 3 0 0 0 1 0
50 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
51 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
52 Graded as high risk, because of the following ... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk, because of the following ... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
53 Graded as high risk because of the below risk ... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk because of the below risk ... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
54 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
55 Graded as High risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
56 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
57 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
58 Graded as high risk because of the below risk ... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk because of the below risk ... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1
59 Graded as high risk, because of the below risk... It is 1700 on a Thursday night. Sarah is a tra... Call handlers should make careful enquiries of... 6 graded as high risk, because of the below risk... high high 4 0 0 0 0 1